
KURUME BEAN Coffee Export & Consultancy

KURUME BEAN Coffee Export & Consultancy

KURUME BEAN Coffee Export & Consultancy
Exporter & Legal representative for single origin producer farmers

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What Our Clients Say.

Chris Kornman

Royale Coffee

Last year we released a number of single-farmer microdots from Ethiopian. One such lot was from Alemayehu Daniel Miju. New crop from Daniel’s farm just landed, and holy cow did it stick the landing. We couldn’t wait to get this coffee analyzed and pushed it straight to the front of the queue. Dazzling red fruits, sugary sweetness, it’s a coffee so markedly different from just about anything we’ve tasted… and just unbelievably clean.

couldn’t wait to get this coffee analyzed and pushed it straight to the front of the queue. Dazzling red fruits, sugary sweetness, it’s a coffee so markedly different from just about anything we’ve tasted… and just unbelievably clean.

couldn’t wait to get this coffee analyzed and pushed it straight to the front of the queue. Dazzling red fruits, sugary sweetness, it’s a coffee so markedly different from just about anything we’ve tasted… and just unbelievably clean.